Every travel blogger want to generate more traffic for his/her blog. In this article i am going to share some bulletproof technique to generate for more traffic for your travel blog SEO. Can you imagine how many leads you will get if get 3000 people visiting your travel blog daily.Yes you thought that right its alot for your blog but that’s just a start. Just take one post at a time and every time you publish a new post, enhance an old post. Before you know it, your website will be optimized! and boom your blog will be on the first page of the google.
How To Generate More Traffic For Your Travel Blog

First, let’s answer the important question of when you should start focusing on SEO essentials in your travel blog career. The answer, if you ever plan on taking your travel blog public, is as soon as you start your blog. Going back and implementing all these essentials can be a very daunting task if you don’t start from day one.
#1 – Quality Content
While doing any travel blog SEO one thing that needs to be kept in mind is that the “Content is the King”. Your blog to appear anywhere in search engine result to write blog in SEO friendly way and what’s the better way to do this then by using wordpress’s very own Yoast SEO tool which help you to determine the seo startegies for your travel blog.

#2 – Homepage SEO for your travel blog
Home page seo refers to optimization of your website’s on page seo which includes proper tags for images,anchor tags and optimized images. Your website should include proper sitemaps,robots.txt etc in order to get noticed by the google.On-page refers to both the content and HTML source code of a page that can be optimized, as opposed to off-page SEO which refers to links and other external signals.By optimizing on page seo for your travel blog you can increase the grwoth your travel blog by 51% in 3 months.
#3 – Link Building
Link building is one of the most important aspect of your travel blog SEO. Link builing refers to the linking of external pages to your website. More the link you genertae the more your blog gets noticed by the google and other serach engines.To get link building you just need to understand this, there are many websites and blogs that mention Wikipedia within their content. A mention from these websites to Wikipedia increases its backlink count and site authority. Search engines consider Wikipedia a highly relevant source and it shows up high within search engine results.

#4 – Social Media Rocks SEO For Your Travel Blog
Social Networking is bigger than ever these days! Sometimes known as “Online Reputation Management”, getting involved with social media sites is the fundamental step with which you begin to advertise, market and build your online reputation within your niche.
You need to sign up to the most popular social networking sites, such as; Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, etc., and create yourself a profile of your own. This allows you to extend your online network of contacts, to connect and interact with your friends, to share things with each other, and most importantly promote your website/blog and help build your online reputation.
Conclusion : Travel Blog SEO Essential For generating More Traffic
As machine learning continues to grow, search engines are starting to read more like humans every day. I think travel bloggers tend to complex the SEO basics, when in reality, it’s not so bad. If you feel like you don’t have a good grasp on SEO, just write genuine content you’re an expert on and things will start to fall into place.
Good luck taking your SEO essentials further to enhance your travel blog, and remember that if this feels overwhelming, pick one post or one topic and become an expert in that topic or make that post shine. Do this and eventually you’ll be an SEO rock star! .If you want SEO for your travel blog then in that case Stintlief Technologies can serve you best for your travel blog SEO requirements, just leave your queries at info@stintlieftechnologies.com You can also find us on Facebook ,Twitter and Linkedin