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Native Or Hybrid App Development – What’s Best For Startup

Native Or Hybrid App Development – What’s Best For Startup4 min read

It’s 2019 and as we move into the Mobile-First World, there are still many misbeliefs specially considering App development. Many companies are facing a similar situation – What should we choose? Should they proceed with Native App or Hybrid App or even Mobile Web Development? The answer to the question depends upon the priorities of the company and the purpose of your app.

To help you decide whether to choose the Native App Or Hybrid App, let’s take a look into the difference between the both along with there pros and cons for a startup business or company.

Native App

Native Apps are those application programs that have been developed for use on a specific platform or a device. There are mainly two OS platform Andriod and iOS for apple‘s devices , Native apps are written in the code preliminarily used for the device and its OS.  For example, Andriod Apps are written in Java while iOS apps are written in Objective C or Swift.

These App is written in such a way that they enable device’s OS to work fast and in a way more flexible way then the alternative application types. It’s the best example could be what happened with Facebook. Once, the Facebook application was written in HTML 5 to use the same code across all OS. This leads to the slower performance of the application across the iOS platform. Then Facebook’s app developers decided to make a separate app for the iOS devices in which complex tasks can be broken down into the simpler tasks, such as networking done in the background of the main thread or program, which drives the UI.

The main advantages of using the Native app fast and reliable user experience. Native Apps also interact with underlying mobile plateform , making them great for high performance apps such Mobile games. The disadvantages of using Native apps is that they require big budget , because you will require at-least one developer with the knowledge of both Java and Objective-C which is a world of its own. Second thing would be Time. Devloping a Native App is very time consuming depending upon the complexity of the App.

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Hybrid Apps

A Hybrid App combine the faetures of both the Native App and Web App. They are just like normal app that you find in Mobile Store and work normally just like a Native App would work. To tell the difference between the Native and Hybrid app is just like to differentiate rare grape varieties of wine.

Hybrid apps are hosted inside a native application that utilizes a mobile platforms WebView. To be able to use the Web View Hybrid App can use the accelerometer, camera, contacts, and more things of the mobile device which can not be accessed by Web App.

Hybrid Mobile Application are built just like any website that you build with the help of HTML, js, CSS and anyother javascript framework.
 Hybrid applications target a WebView hosted inside a native container. This enables them to do things like access hardware capabilities of the mobile device.

The advantage of using Hybrid App is the Single Code Base which means they share common code base, So if you have made change in your coed it will propagate to all the other platforms saving lots of time of the developer.

What to choose ?

Before deciding what to choose for your startup project you should ask some questions to yourself such as

 How fast you need the app

 Which mobile platforms do you wish to target

 What you are trying to accomplish with the app

 Your budget for app development

 Do you want to distribute your application via app stores?

Our Opinion :-

It’s all depends upon App’s purpose. If it’s social App and you need to be on both platforms, We strongly encourage Hybrid. A Webapp is cheaper and can perform the same as an app with a dedicated backend. If you are more of a Service app, an iOS version may be a slightly higher price than the webapp. Native Apps are expensive while Hybrid apps are cheaper to built and offers almost the same features if built right.

Thanks for reading upto the end. We hope you have liked this article. I f you have any doubt or want to discuss further you can contact Stintlief Technologies. At Stintlief Technologies, we can help you choose the right app for your idea and connect you to our network of top app development talent in India. 

Cheers ! Happy Reading