Design and Development of eCommerce is a complex task with many aspect to keep in mind.Development of any site is complex but development of designing and development has its own challenges.There are things to Consider During eCommerce Website Development . eCommerce helps a business to grow and expand its business all over the internet. To do so they must have an eCommerce website for there products.Here are a few other aspects of an eCommerce site that developers will want to be sure to consider during the development process:
Things to Consider During eCommerce Website Development

1 . Responsive Design of eCommerce Website
Every website has its own issue while desgning and making its responsive is one of them. Responsive Web design is the approach that suggests that design and developmentshould respond to the user’s behavior and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation. With many CMS in the market they themeselves take care for the responsive design of the website.
2. Must Support Guest Checkout
Companies with eCommerce sites will often want to require users to create an account in order to make a purchase, since this allows for follow-up communication that encourages future sales, as well as tracking customers’ demographic information to analyze sales.But is also important to note that not everyone who goes to eCommerce site is going to login into the site so it must support guest checkout to make UI Better.
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3. Site Search Is Very Important
Almost 90 % of users on the ecommerce website uses serach to search something on the website.So it is a must have facility to have on the website. Specially if you have autocomplete feature in the website then it is a plus point.Faceted search is another important way to help users find products. This search allows them to narrow their search in a variety of ways, including by type, size, price range, manufacturer, etc.
4. Security is essential
Hackers are stealing credit card and other sensitive information from ecommerce sites. To protect (and reassure) your customers, it’s imperative to know how to protect your ebusiness and your sensitive customer data.eCommerce security refers to the principles which guides safe electronic transactions, allowing the buying and selling of goods and services through the Internet.
eCommerce Website Development is as complex as it can get but you do not have to worry any of these things as we at Stintlief Technologies can serve you best for your eCommerce Website Development requirements, just leave your queries at You can also find us on Facebook ,Twitter and Linkedin