So you own a website and want to earn from the website along with providing sensible knowledge to the people coming onto your blog or website. But how would you do this then you are at right place. Let me tell you how you can earn and people can learn from your blog as well. But first we have understand what is Website monetization .Website monetization is the process of converting existing traffic being sent to a particular website into revenue. The most popular ways of monetizing a website are by implementing pay per click (PPC) and cost per impression (CPI/CPM) advertising.
How To Make Money Online Through Website Monetization
There lots of ways for you earn from your website some of them includes the following:-
- Affiliate Marketing
- Pay Per Click Advertising (Google Adsense)
- Sell Ad Space
- Sell Your Own Digital Product (Ebook for Example)
- Accept Donations from visitors
- Accept sponsored posts & articles.
- And many more…
What we are going to talk about is Pay Per Click Advertising using Google Adsense. Over 2 million people from all around the world uses Google adsense to earn through google adsense. It works on the simple process of Pay Per click which means a business model whereby a company that has placed an advertisement on a website pays a sum of money to the host website when a user clicks on to the advertisement.
Why to choose Google Adsense?

The best part about this system for Website Monetization is how simple everything is. Once you sign up, Google will place a simple code on your website that will identify the content of your site and start displaying relevant advertisements. For example, if your site is about pets (dogs & cats), Google AdSense will start showing your visitors ads for cat food, dog training and more.
You get paid each time someone clicks on the ad. (Yes, it’s really that easy!)
All in all you just need to tap into the largest network of online advertisers who are bidding for your ad space so you get the most for your ads.To make this process easy, Stintlief Technologies can serve you best for your Website Monetization requirements. It is a professional website designing company excels in branding, creating a website using the advanced technology available in the web development. Just leave your queries at or You can also find us on Facebook ,Twitter and Linkedin